my mom suddenly call me in the middle of school lesson, and she told me the balls will arrived soon, im so happy, altough i need to pay the tax to~ the tax is very expensive (about 25$, how come? the item's price itself just cost 20$)
tapi....SUMPAH PAJAKNYA MAHAL BANGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gila, itu bola aja harganya 20$ (anggep aja 200rb) dan pajak bea masuknya sebesar
duaratuslimapuluhriburupiah! rp. 250.000!!!
duit (nyokap) gw langsung amblas gara-gara bayar tu pajek!
tapi apa boleh buat~ menurut sunah rasul
"kita tidak boleh menolak rejeki"
ya, saya terima rejekinya, walaupun musti keluar 1/4 juta =_=.
i just thinking the ball itself cost 20$, the shipping cost 20$ and 25$ for the tax
so the total is 65$??
650.000 buat delapan buah bola nyot2?? buat orang indo yang niat pesen barang dari deviantArt, sebaiknya berhati-hati!! harga barang yang ada di dA itu memang sudah cukup mahal, tapi ketahuilah bahwa shipping dan pajeknya lebih mahal lagi!!
tapi gapapa toh karna menang, saia ngga perlu bayar harga barang sama shippingnya
cukup 'pajak'nya saja (baca :250.00)
ok~ than complaining about the tax~ lets see the item!
the product was as good as the packaging
here's the baaallll~ omg they're so cute! looking at them just like fallin in a crowded neigborhood. they're full emotion and personality!
the best part : they're sooo spongy~ and pillooowwyyy!! ^___^
VERY good for releasing a streess! (since im a stressfull person )
i waannaa squaaazeee them! *nyot~nyot~
nyot~nyot gathering
at least i get them! i want them so badly! i try my best and lucky i got one!
thank you the-magic-within for gimme those balls and ship it to me!