Sabtu, 09 Oktober 2010

dA item *part 2

nyot2 baaallls has arriveeeed !!!


my mom suddenly call me in the middle of school lesson, and she told me the balls will arrived soon, im so happy, altough i need to pay the tax to~ the tax is very expensive (about 25$, how come? the item's price itself just cost 20$)

tapi....SUMPAH PAJAKNYA MAHAL BANGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gila, itu bola aja harganya 20$ (anggep aja 200rb) dan pajak bea masuknya sebesar
duaratuslimapuluhriburupiah! rp. 250.000!!!
duit (nyokap) gw langsung amblas gara-gara bayar tu pajek!
tapi apa boleh buat~ menurut sunah rasul
"kita tidak boleh menolak rejeki"
ya, saya terima rejekinya, walaupun musti keluar 1/4 juta =_=.
i just thinking the ball itself cost 20$, the shipping cost 20$ and 25$ for the tax
so the total is 65$??

650.000 buat delapan buah bola nyot2?? buat orang indo yang niat pesen barang dari deviantArt, sebaiknya berhati-hati!! harga barang yang ada di dA itu memang sudah cukup mahal, tapi ketahuilah bahwa shipping dan pajeknya lebih mahal lagi!!
tapi gapapa toh karna menang, saia ngga perlu bayar harga barang sama shippingnya
cukup 'pajak'nya saja (baca :250.00)

ok~ than complaining about the tax~ lets see the item!
the product was as good as the packaging


here's the baaallll~ omg they're so cute! looking at them just like fallin in a crowded neigborhood. they're full emotion and personality!


the best part : they're sooo spongy~ and pillooowwyyy!! ^___^
VERY good for releasing a streess! (since im a stressfull person )
i waannaa squaaazeee them! *nyot~nyot~

nyot~nyot gathering

at least i get them! i want them so badly! i try my best and lucky i got one!
thank you the-magic-within for gimme those balls and ship it to me!


dA item *part 1


got the 2nd place in the contest
win complete set of emoticon stress ball in deviantart

thank you so much the-magic-within! i really want those item from a long time!
i just think to buy it, but i think the price is unreasonable -_-
(i can't waste my money, im just a student). Im so lucky i win them in the contest

the keychain arrived first

sent by USPS

it's very cool! the quality was very good! much better than it's preview in deviantArt.
i dunno where i have put it, i want to put it in my bag or pencil case (but im a very reckless person) so i just use it for my bedroom's key (it's a keychain overall)
but the nyot2 balls haven't arrived, omg dA said that it'll take longer time because of it's bigger size D:
i'm waiting yooou nyot~nyot balls!!

-to be continued-

Art Class Lesson 5 : Still life

Art Class Lesson 5 :

Still life
daily object, object that oftenly we see in our daily life
they put the object in front of the class and we draw it directly
this is sounds simple
I draw what i see!
using 2B pencils
(some of them have a bad photo angle, the original pict wasnt bend like that)

1. Tupperware glass
bad photo angle, but the texture is ok

2. Mizone bottle
less proportion, but the shading was good, at least people can understand if that bottle is transparent.

3. Clock
simply weird. Clock from behind, the original object is unusual, and so is the result, it doesnt looks like a clock! it's FAIL

4. broken Wood Block
wood texture...

6. Wasclotch (washlap)
this is hard, if the shading was to smooth, it'll looks like a towel. this one is very complicated.
but at least people can understand if it's fabric
kata guru : ini bulu dada yah?*parah

6. Spoon
another complicated object, made from metal, i have no idea how to shade a metal
my teacher said it doesnt made from metal but stone -_-; metal is hard because it supposed to reflects it's surrounding.

Lesson 4 : 3D abstract

Art Class Lesson 4 :

3D abstract
make an abstract shape random cube, tube, prism, ball
2B pencils, A2 paper size

I just draw-without thinking, make something that eyecatching, make someone stop and think
"what is that?"

personally, i love this drawing. I never tought that abstr will be that fun, 100% Freedom
(out of box but still plausiable)
i think i was quite success because the line is much better than the previous drawing, and so the shading. but again, my teacher said:
-Interesting shape
-Not contrass enough
-The shading need more power

Lesson 3 : 3D geometry

Art Class Lesson 3 :

3D geometry
alias bangun ruang
draw a random cube, tube, prism, ball
2B pencils, A2 paper size

sorry bad photo
well, this is getting interesting for me.
Im think im not bad in 3D comprehension (at least i get good mathmatic score in 3D geometry)

because we start to do shading and lightning.
the teacher said that the composition wasn't balance because there's a space in the front.
(i try to add a block to cover it, but it just didnt help much)

i have tried to make the line as straight as possible (i do practice!) but the block in right side
is bend, it's not easy to make line in HUGE paper

look at the detail!
yes, i know it's not good

i tried to do natural shading and learning lightning source, i do learn a lot in here.
but the teacher said:
-this is not contrast enough
-my shading is powerless
-i do pay attention to the detail but im not really looking the whole picture.

Lesson 2 : 2D geometry

Art Class Lesson 2 :

2D geometry
alias bangun datar!
square, circle , triangle, square, circle , triangle
no shading, no lightning
i felt like a kindergarten student!

I just make it randomly, almost-without-thinking

and the result was SO ugly! maybe im not in the mood (i just feel bored actually)

could you understand what you draw?
no, i dont

don't you feel confuse?
yes, im really confuse with my own drawin


this is was horrible

Lesson 1 : Line

Art Class Lesson 1 :

draw a line!
2B pencils, A2 paper size


OH MY GOD, it's sooooooo boooringgg!!!! this paper is A2, twice bigger than a drawing books!! i have THAT big paper and what i draw is a LINE!?? i thinks it's useless but when i zoomed it

omg, it's supposed to be straight line~not a net!!

YES, I CANNOT DRAW STRAIGHT LINE. Oh, it's just a line.....and i can't draw a straight so useless....
(i wonder why my math teacher can draw a perfect line when teaching about geometry, or those vector in size of class white board) I ll practice to draw line more oftenly, specially in my school.
and the result, people looking at me like "do you have autism?"
or kind of that....